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Ingrandisci immagine
 Ingrandisci immagine
Presentazione delle vetrate – flash
Restauro vetrate 10 e 11 – pdf
The Canons' cloister in Spring

The Cloister as it was before

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Piazza San Lorenzo n° 9 - 50123 Firenze
Tel. (+39) 0552937911 - Fax (+39) 0552302992
SBN number: CFI ML
Library census code: FI 00100
e-mail: (istituzionale) (certificata)

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Notices to the pubblic

Monumental area and Exhibition are open from Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. (closed: Saturdays, Sundays and Feast Days)


Digital Collections

Logo catalogo aperto Consult the Library’s open catalogue. Descriptions, bibliography, manuscript entries and links to relevant resources.
Ingrandisci immagine Consult the digital display with complete reproductions of the manuscripts in the Fondo Plutei and the main 18th-century printed catalogues describing them.
Logo PSI Consultabili online i Papiri della Societą Italiana (PSI) conservati in Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana e in altri istituti.
Ingrandisci immagine Il Codice Fiorentino della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze entra nelle collezioni della World Digital Library »» leggi
Galleria fotografica

The Convent of Santa Maria Maddalena alle Caldine

Ingrandisci immagine In 2010 work was completed for the functional restoration of the ground floor and basement of the state-owned complex of the convent of Santa Maria Maddalena alle Caldine (Fiesole), which will be used to host seminars and conferences, as well as the off-premises deposits of the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana of Florence. »» continue

Collaboration between the BML and the Liceo Classico Machiavelli


An important collaboration with great potential has commenced between the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana and the Liceo Classico Machiavelli, a secondary school in Florence. The Library's online assets and the expertise of the school's teaching staff have made it possible to explore the fascinating journey of Greek manuscripts from Byzantium to Florence »» continue
Liceo Machiavelli Firenze

Logo Opera Medicea Laurenziana

Scala di Michelangelo Particolare scala Michelangelo Pluteo con catena

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Last Update: 20 June 2016